2022 - Apt to adapt!
Presenter: Anel Jacobs
Level: Advanced
Study time: 1 hours
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Course overview
It is a new year, and everyone has resolutions on how to make
2022 the best year ever! The reality is that even the best plans can fail, and
the real success lies in getting back up, adapting the original plan and
trying again!
In this live CPD event, we explore how to develop an adaptive mindset for the year ahead. Accountants are sometimes known for being rigid and believing that something is either black, or white, with no possibility of grey in-between. If becoming more adaptable in how you perceive life, your career and the business world in general appeals to you, join us for this event, and in doing so, develop the following professional competencies:
Main competency group: Professional values and attitudes ·
In this live CPD event, we explore how to develop an adaptive mindset for the year ahead. Accountants are sometimes known for being rigid and believing that something is either black, or white, with no possibility of grey in-between. If becoming more adaptable in how you perceive life, your career and the business world in general appeals to you, join us for this event, and in doing so, develop the following professional competencies:
Main competency group: Professional values and attitudes ·
- Sub-competency group: Lifelong learning
- Specific competency: Adaptive mindset
What's included?
1 Live event
1 Recording
1 Certificate
Approach change in a positive way
Link with SAICA Competency Framework
Main competency group: Professional values and attitudes
Sub-competency group: Lifelong learning
Specific competency: Adaptive mindset; Agility