Constructive conversations: Receive and use feedback for growth
Author: Anel Jacobs
Level: Intermediate
Study time: 40 minutes
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Course overview
Receiving feedback, especially feedback that indicates that there is something we have done wrong, need to change or improve on, can be uncomfortable and even very difficult for us. But, if we can pluck up the courage to fully engage in such feedback conversations, we will reap the very real benefits – we can develop faster, we can grow even further, and we can build stronger relationships. Receiving and using feedback in this way, may not come naturally or easily for us – but it is a skill in itself, which means we can learn it, and we can master it. In this course we guide you towards receiving and using feedback for growth.
This course forms part of the Constructive conversations series.
This course forms part of the Constructive conversations series.
What's included?
4 Modules
1 Course guide
1 Quiz
1 Certificate
What are the aspects of effective communication?
Link with the SAICA Competency Framework
Enabling and future competencies
- Relational acumen
- Communication skills