Getting your ducks in a row: Compiling your 100% compliant CPD Reflective Plan
Author: Anton van Wyk CA(SA)
Level: Advanced
Study time: 1 hours
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Course overview
SAICA implemented their outcome based CPD policy during the 2020 calendar year, thereby abolishing their previous “20 hour per cycle”-approach (called the input based CPD policy) with immediate effect. Complying with the outcome based CPD policy of SAICA, requires SAICA members to properly assess their professional development needs in detail each year according to certain SAICA-defined deep reflective steps. In this way, SAICA members identify particular relevant and unique outcomes they wish to achieve with their professional development every calendar year. All steps undertaken to comply with the outcome based CPD policy also need to be carefully documented in their CPD Reflective Plans. When a member is selected for routine compliance monitoring by SAICA, the primary deliverable by the member is the CPD Reflective Plan for the calendar year reviewed. The quality of the CPD Reflective Plan is therefore of the utmost importance in determining whether or not a member appears compliant with the outcome based CPD policy of SAICA.
In this FREE hour, join Anton van Wyk CA(SA) to learn what the important steps are that must be undertaken to comply with the outcome based CPD policy of SAICA, as well as how to document your compliance in a fully compliant CPD Reflective Plan.
In attending this session, you will be developing the following professional competencies:
In this FREE hour, join Anton van Wyk CA(SA) to learn what the important steps are that must be undertaken to comply with the outcome based CPD policy of SAICA, as well as how to document your compliance in a fully compliant CPD Reflective Plan.
In attending this session, you will be developing the following professional competencies:
- Main competency group: Professional values and attitudes
- Sub-competency group: Lifelong learning
- Specific competency: Self-development
What's included?
1 FREE live event
1 Certificate of participation
Step-by-step guidance on how to compile a 100% compliant CPD Reflective Plan
Link with the SAICA Competency Framework
- Main competency group: Professional values and attitudes
- Sub-competency group: Lifelong learning
- Specific competency: Self-development