The Phenomenon called Customer Loyalty Points

  • Presenters: Anton van Wyk CA(SA) and Karen van Wyk CA(SA)
  • Level: Advanced
  • Study time: 1 Hour
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Course overview
“Do you have a customer loyalty card that I can swipe?” has replaced “how are you?” as the first question customers are asked after being greeted by the friendly cashier at most retail stores. For this session, join Anton and Karen van Wyk, both chartered accountants (SA), as they discuss the accounting recognition and measurement for customer loyalty points in the financial statements of participating entities. Anton will be guiding us through an illustrative case study of how customer loyalty points should be dealt with from a revenue recognition perspective, whilst Karen will simultaneously be highlighting the latest tax consideration points relating to customer loyalty programs from the point of view of the tax practitioner. This is a very relevant, topical, and interesting area that will leave attendees with a lot of food for thought.
What's included?
1 Slide Deck
1 Video
1 Quiz
1 Certification

Link with SAICA Competency Framework

Link with SAICA Competency Framework