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Welcome to SMART

SMART is a learning management application that guides the continuing professional development (CPD) activities of SAICA and/or IRBA members.
The application runs parallel to our learning platform, monitoring your learning activities and recording it in a CPD Reflective Plan on a real-time basis. 
The SMART CPD application allows you to self-assess your competence in key professional competencies, helping you to identify, prioritise, and reflect on your CPD according to the SAICA and IRBA outcome based CPD policies in effect from 2020.

I am a CPD Campus subscriber

You can use SMART free of charge.
Please note: You are still required to create a free SMART profile once-off and then login to start using SMART.

I am not a CPD Campus subscriber

You can use either a limited functionality free version of SMART, or upgrade to the full functionality paid version of SMART at R114pm (including VAT).
You can also become a CPD Campus subscriber.

SMART step-by-step instructions